Archive for December, 2008

Taking a break…


Taking a break: a warming cup of sugar-packed chai on a Spitian backroad.

So, what next for Out There Biking?

With the whole world up in arms with talk of the credit crunch, and the accompanying (or is it encouraging?) blanket media attention, we’ve decided to take a year out for 2009. Cara’s pursuing her medical studies, and I’ll be off to stretch my legs with some bike travels in the Americas.

So this last post, for now, is to thank all to all those who have joined us over the last few years. We’ve really enjoyed running these trips and meeting you all, and I know we’ll miss the high mountains of Spiti and Ladakh come August. We’ll keep you updated with regard to future plans for the tours, but if you can’t wait, then do check out Redspokes, who also run some great rides in the region.

In the meantime, we aim to leave the site up as there’s plenty of general information to be found there, should you want to go it alone. (It’s down at the moment, while we change over our server package.)

All the best for the New Year.


Spiti in late September. This year we were lucky with the weather, until the very last day, when an almighty storm lashed down. A few days later, the region was blanketed in snow – we’d only just made it out in time…


A home away from home. The Sunshine Guesthouse, our hangout in Manali.


OTB’s inimitable Mascot. Those who have met him will be pleased to hear that Chandra’s living the good life in Tabo, lounging in an apple orchard and barking at marauding sheep.


Baba Phunsok and a completely perplexed member of his extended family. Baba’s one of our fantastic support crew, without whom we couldn’t run these trips.


Cheeky Bike Gromit. Our bike are always like magnets to the local kids, who materialise from nowhere to clamber aboard and fettle with gears.


The girls tend to be a bit more shy, and if you’re lucky, will reward you with one of their winning smiles.


And lastly. There are few places as fascinating and complex as India. While our trips are tough, they can never be compared to the life of one Delhi’s many cycle rickshaws…

Pics 1 and 4 copyright EF

Please check out our main website for details on our bike trips to the Indian Himalayas.

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